8th September 2018

A new tour has been recently launched at Nottingham’s National Justice Museum.  The Tales of Truth and Legend Tour promises to uncover the secret histories of the Museum, including its notoriety as the home of the Sheriff of Nottingham and its links with the Robin Hood fables.

It’s always lovely to be invited along to do a preview but, having previously worked at the Museum for 10 years, was I really going to find out anything new?

The Tales of Truth and Legend Tour has been specially created to uncover the secret histories of the Museum and show you things you wouldn’t see on a ‘normal’ tour. So, I reserved my judgement and dragged 9 year old Evie along to give it a go.

Our group had a range of ages and included a couple of other children, so it was a good mix for a preview tour.  We were welcomed by a very smart-looking Victorian gentlemen who immediately engaged the group and grabbed our interest with tales about how the Shire Hall has changed over the years. 

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From the courtroom to the women’s prison and down in the oldest part of the gaol, the history of this amazing building is retold during this hour-long tour and includes access to locked areas (and who doesn’t like to go somewhere they aren’t usually supposed to!).  You’ll hear bucketloads of information and get plenty of opportunity to ask questions – and try as we might, we could not catch the Victorian gent out – he’s an absolute oracle of knowledge and very entertaining.

Sometimes these historical tours can be a bit dry and its not always easy to keep the attention of younger children but this was certainly not the case with this one.  There’s so much to see and the information was relayed in an easy-to-understand way, with plenty of humour, ensuring that everyone was entertained until the very end. 

Do we recommend this tour?  Absolutely.  Even if you’ve visited the National Justice Museum before, you will learn so much and have a jolly good time in the process.  Who knows, you might even find Robin Hood’s tights in the Oubliette …

You can experience the tour every day at 10.30 am and 3.30 pm. The tour is included in the museum admission price:  £10.95 adults, £9.95 for over 60s, £9.95 for students, £7.95 for under 18s.  Under 5s go free or you can buy a Family Ticket for £32.50 (maximum of 2 adults).

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